Machinist's Calculator
Calculator for Machinists and CNC Programmers
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Customer Support Information

Free technical support for users of our software.

Our privacy policy can be seen here.

spacer If you have questions, there are several sources from which to get answers:

First, see the Help file included with Machinist's Calculator.

Common questions:
Activation information - How do I remove the time limit from the trial calculator?
F.A.Q. - answers to the questions most frequently asked by our users. Includes common error messages.

Still have a question?

If you can't find the information you need, you can contact us by e-mail.
Please make sure to include the following:
The version of the Machinist's Calculator: click the About button on the main panel

The version of Windows on your computer

A detailed (step by step) description of the problem, including any error messages presented.

You can use this form to help organize the message if you wish.

Email support is guaranteed in English only.

Technical support by email is free and unlimited during the demo period, and for 5 years after purchase. An order number must be supplied for free support, otherwise a search fee is required.
We reserve the right to terminate support to users who in our judgment are unreasonable or abusive or who have system or other difficulties that transcend the scope of our software.

We do not provide technical support by telephone.

We don't use annoying popups on our website!
   However, we'd love to have your opinion of Machinist's Calculator.
   After you've tried the software, please use the feedback form to let us know what you think.
spacer Machinist's Calculator for mobile devices Click here for mobile Machinist Calculator information.
Machinist's Calculator is also bundled with the EditCNC g-code editor.